Merit™ LMC6 is a copper coated MIG wire that is an excellent choice for welding on metals with a medium to high presence of mill scale. With its high silicon and manganese deoxidizer levels, superior feedability, excellent arc characteristics, excellent weld appearance and toe wetting, Merit™ LMC6 is the industry’s premium brand of MIG wires. Shielding gases include argon/carbon dioxide blends and straight carbon dioxide. For best performance use on clean, oil-free base material.
Description |
Excellent drawing and copper coating techiques ensure superior feedability and excellent arc stability.
Copper coating provides superior arc-starting characteristics, for long contact tip life and is manufactured not to flake, which can clog liners and contact tips.
Will support all the traditional modes of GMAW metal transfer: shortcircuiting, globular, axial spray, and pulsed spray.
Precision layer wound spools are well suited for applications where accurate and consistent wire feeding is necessary.
Excellent spatter control and bead profile.
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